Thursday, August 30, 2007

Google's power-saving alternative

I read my PC Format mag yesterday and there was an article about Blackle...

Blackle is a custom Google search engine which is predominately black. Why? No, nothing to do with occult or anything. Apparently a researcher has discovered that for a screen to draw a black screen requires less energy than drawing a white one (details are on the Blackle site's about page:
I thought it might be a good idea to switch to blackle and maybe even do my part for the environment, since I use Google a lot (like most people) and since the Google's page is white.

The Blackle page isn't that bad looking, in fact I find it easier on the eyes since everything is dark and my eyes are sensitive to bright screens. My brothers always adjust my screen to a brighter setting if they're using my pc.

So why not give it a try and if you don't mind setting your homepage from Google to Blackle, you too could help save energy, one watt at a time ;-)

1 comment:

Dandré said...

Cool, but I still prefer Blackle ;-)